Sunday, June 14, 2009

D for Divorced and Absolutely NOT for Dead!

When your first reaction to the court’s ruling of your divorce is utter happiness and joy…

When you feel your heart is jumping and skipping beats and you simply can’t seem to find the right words to express that happiness…

When all your friends and family call you to congratulate you, including those who do n ot believe in divorce…

This is not a sad day by any means…

It’s not a death sentence, or an end of a life…

If anything, it’s a beginning of a new life, a rebirth…

Bask in the happiness and savour it for rainy days...

Don't care what other people think, the people he didn’t know your suffering or your misery…

And no matter what you do, don't ever think back and have doubts about that day, that moment...

There will always be those days to come, sad days, mad days, days when shit simply hits the fan, but who cares, that’s life!

Only from now on, it’s your life to live it and enjoy it… so do that and screw everything else!

That’s what I keep reminding myself of…

I am free, I am young, and I have a lot of great things… I have friends who stood by me and helped keep me sane, and I have amazing kids who keep my heart warm and fuzzy… and I have Allah who always has mercy on me and gives me what I need even without me asking or earning it!

And no matter how crappy it gets, I feel alive, which is a lot more than I can say about those wasted years… so to that!

To being ALIVE!


Ice Queer said...

Cogratulations! =)

a divorcette said...

thanks dear :)

but i think u have congratulated me already....

-inso ;)

Ice Queer said...

OMG LOL! What's the idea behind having this blog then? =P

a divorcette said...


it is no secret that i have both!

the whole point of this blog is stated at the sidebar, and i needed to promote positiveness aside from my own not so positive moping :)))

got you fooled?

Ice Queer said...

Aha okay! =D

Unknown said...

This blog is a godsend!!! The feelings reflected in this post mirror everything that is going through my mind right now...The trouble is that I am still awaiting the day that I will hear the magical words "you are divorced". Until then I have no choice but to remain patient and have faith in Allah that I will be emancipated soon.

Unknown said...

This blog is a godsend!!! The feelings reflected in this post mirror everything that is going through my mind right now...The trouble is that I am still awaiting the day that I will hear the magical words "you are divorced". Until then I have no choice but to remain patient and have faith in Allah that I will be emancipated soon.